Friday, April 19, 2013

Update Manager 4.1 failed to remediate

I came across another nice puzzle after updating one of our customers' vCenter and Update Manager to 4.1U3 (yeah, some customers hold off on updating forever, I know..): When trying to update some ESX hosts attached to the vCenter, I got the following failure:

The host returns esxupdate error codes: 7. Check the Update Manager log files and esxupdate log files for more details

The logfiles contained the following info:

Remediation did not succeed for XXXXesx01: SingleHostRemediate: esxupdate error, version: 1.30, operation: 7: ('http://XXXX:9084/vci/hostupdates/hostupdate/vmw/vibs/cross_oem-vmware-esx-drivers-net-vxge_400.', '/var/cache/esxupdate/3375545638666279871', '[Errno 14] HTTP Error 404: Not Found') . error 4/11/2013 3:18:13 PM 

This error turned out to be because of a known error. Apparently pre-Update Manager 4.1U2, the webserver serving the patches was case insensitive, and from U2 on, it was made case-sensitive. However, certain patches that were previously downloaded before, were stored case-insensitive, but they were supposed to be case sensitive.

The KB article is here:

Because redownloading at this moment was not an option, we had to rename the files to be with the proper case sensitivity. The files are fortunately not that many:

  • bind-libs-9.3.6-4.p1.el5_5.3.i386.vib 
  • bind-libs-9.3.6-4.p1.el5_5.3.x86_64.vib 
  • bind-utils-9.3.6-4.p1.el5_5.3.x86_64.vib 
  • bind-libs-9.3.6-4.p1.el5_5.3.i386.vib 
  • cross_oem-vmware-esx-drivers-net-vxge_400. 
  • cross_oem-vmware-esx-drivers-scsi-3w-9xxx_400. 
  • vmware-esx_swmgmt_provider-4x.1.0.1-1.4.348481.vib

To (note the bold typeface):
  • bind-libs-9.3.6-4.P1.el5_5.3.i386.vib 
  • bind-libs-9.3.6-4.P1.el5_5.3.x86_64.vib 
  • bind-utils-9.3.6-4.P1.el5_5.3.x86_64.vib 
  • bind-libs-9.3.6-4.P1.el5_5.3.i386.vib 
  • cross_oem-vmware-esx-drivers-net-vxge_400. 
  • cross_oem-vmware-esx-drivers-scsi-3w-9xxx_400. 
  • vmware-esx_swMgmt_provider-4x.1.0.1-1.4.348481.vib 

Monday, February 25, 2013

HP Firmware versions with PowerCLI

For documentation purposes  I needed BIOS and ILO versions of the vSphere environment.

I got the script from and combined some updates in the comments in the script so that it also shows which NetXen firmware and NetXen drivers are on the system. I adapted the script to give the info for all machines in the cluster, not just a single cluster.

Foreach ($strHostsClusterName in Get-Cluster){

Get-View -ViewType HostSystem -Property Name, Runtime.HealthSystemRuntime.SystemHealthInfo.NumericSensorInfo -SearchRoot (Get-View -ViewType ClusterComputeResource -Property Name -Filter @{"Name" = "^$([RegEx]::escape($strHostsClusterName))$"}).MoRef | %{

    $arrNumericSensorInfo = @($_.Runtime.HealthSystemRuntime.SystemHealthInfo.NumericSensorInfo)

    # HostNumericSensorInfo for BIOS, iLO, array controller

    $nsiBIOS = $arrNumericSensorInfo | ? {$_.Name -like "*System BIOS*"}

    $nsiArrayCtrlr = $arrNumericSensorInfo | ? {$_.Name -like "HP Smart Array Controller*"}

    $nsiILO = $arrNumericSensorInfo | ? {$_.Name -like "Hewlett-Packard BMC Firmware*"}

    $nsiNXdev = $arrNumericSensorInfo | ? {$_.Name -like "nx_nic device*"}

    $nsiNXdrv = $arrNumericSensorInfo | ? {$_.Name -like "nx_nic driver*"}

    # assume all at same level and take first or set as n/a

    if ( $nsiNXdev.Count -gt 0 ) {

       $nsiNXdevice = $nsiNXdev[0].Name

    } else {

       $nsiNXdevice = "n/a"


    if ( $nsiNXdrv.Count -gt 0 ) {

       $nsiNXdriver = $nsiNXdrv[0].Name

    } else {

    $nsiNXdriver = "n/a"


New-Object PSObject -Property @{

VMHost = $_.Name

"SystemBIOS" = $

"HPSmartArray" = $nsiArrayCtrlr.Name

"iLOFirmware" = $nsiILO.Name

"nx_nic device" = $nsiNXdevice

"nx_nic driver" = $nsiNXdriver

    } ## end new-object

} ## end Foreach-Object


If I feel like it, I'll someday add LSI Logic cards and such as well. For now, it got me the info I needed, without logging on to 20 servers ;-)

Run the script from PowerCLI, by first connecting to the vCenter (Connect-Viserver <vcenter>) and then ./fwscript.ps1 | Export-CSV d:\fwlist.csv

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

CDP info from vSphere platform

For documentation purposes, I wanted to get an overview of all host connections to which switches they are connected, and which ports exactly. As luck would have it, VMware already has made some scripts to do this.

I adapted it to suit my needs:

$Hosts = Get-VMHost | sort -property Name
foreach ($vhost in $Hosts){
$vmh = Get-VMHost -Name $vhost
If ($vmh.State -ne "Connected") {
  Write-Output "Host $($vmh) state is not connected, skipping."
Else {
  Get-View $vmh.ID | `
  % { $esxname = $_.Name; Get-View $_.ConfigManager.NetworkSystem} | `
  % { foreach ($physnic in $_.NetworkInfo.Pnic) {
    $pnicInfo = $_.QueryNetworkHint($physnic.Device)
    foreach( $hint in $pnicInfo ){
      # Write-Host $esxname $physnic.Device
      if ( $hint.ConnectedSwitchPort ) {
        $hint.ConnectedSwitchPort | select @{n="VMHost";e={$esxname}},@{n="VMNic";e={$physnic.Device}},DevId,PortId
To run this, simply copy this script to a file, open up powershell, connect to vcenter, and run it with:

.\VMHostCDPInfo.ps1 | Format-Table -AutoSize |Out-File cdpinfo.txt

It ignores all nics where it cannot retrieve any CDP info from, but other than that, you get a nice list, which you can put with your documentation which looks like:

VMHost          VMNic   DevId    PortId
------          -----   -----    ------
server01        vmnic0  switch01 GigabitEthernet1/25
server01        vmnic10 switch02 GigabitEthernet2/0/31